Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 is Behind...Let's Begin 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..... yeah, that's about right for 2009. I'll take a few minutes to reflect on '09 and a few minutes to set up '10.

'09 started with a bang! Obama was sworn in, and I was let go from my job of seven years. That wasn't such a bad thing, because as I reflect on it, I was there about three years too long. Instead of making a super conscious effort to leave when I realized that the new management was out of their minds, I stayed and made half-assed efforts to find a new job, and complained more than I made attempts. Oh well, that all ended in January 2009.

Also during '09 I continued my quest as a Real Estate Investor. Well, that was a good attempt, but I got hit from the blindside with somethings, and learned a few valuable lessons. From there, I decided I should become a teacher, at which point I enrolled in Phoenix University to obtain a Master's in Elementary Education. Still going with that, although after working in the Public School system at various points, I am wondering if i reeeeeaaaaally want to do it.

One of the high points of the year was the Mount Vernon High School 20 Year Reunion. Thanks to Facebook a group of us (Akilah, Amy, Lisa, Sean, Ali, Russ, Lori, Susan, Asheki) formed a committee and made it happen. It was a whoooolllleeee lot of work to make it happen, and I really didn't get to enjoy the reunion itself because I was doing so much. But I was proud of what the team was able to accomplish and as an event it was very successful, and I'm very proud of that.

Another thing that I am very happy to be working on is my hip hop CD that is for Kids (tentatively titled "I Am Hip Hop Too"). It's been a long time coming, and there is a whole lot of work that needs to be done on it, but I "finished" writing it in '09, and started doing pre-production with a couple of young ladies who are going to be on it. I will get me detailed about the project on another post, but for now just know that I believe it's going to be a very big deal, and we definitely want to make it as good as possible.

Along the line of kids and entertainment, our television show Kids In The Kitchen continued on. Late in the year I decided to take a more active role in guiding the show. I had intitially decided to let the ladies (Sheila and Maieka) decide the course of the show and the business they wanted to create from it. My role was to be the producer and tech for the show. But as time went on it became apparent that I needed to play a larger role in moving the show up to a higher level because of the great potential the show has.

The ups and downs of 2009 helped me prepare for what's up next. It allowed me to really evaluate who I Am, and who I need to be in order to get what I desire. Nothing like struggling in certain areas that give you a wake up call. So as for 2010, and the next decade for that matter, I am creating a Vision, and I within my vision I am setting up goals, and in order to reach those goals I am making plans. After all that, I am getting busy!

I have a lot to do. No, wait, WE have a lot to do. Because at some point YOU will be a part of my plans too. In some way shape or form, if you are reading this, in some small or large way, we will work together. I don't know how, when, or where, but we will.

I have big plans for 2010 and beyond! Many of my plans involve what was begun in 2009, so I will be blogging all about my endeavors. Some of the things I have planned include my work on the CD, my work on the tv show, my work in social media, my quest towards a Master's Degree, and more. My thoughts on those things and on various topics will all be provided here. I will include pictures, video, and links and of course my reflections so hopefully you will continue to ride with me, because it will definitely be a fun ride!