Thursday, February 18, 2010

Run For Your Life!!

Back Again

I haven't blogged in a minute. Partially because I (incorrectly) figured I didn't have much to blog about. By that I mean that I was going to mainly blog about the making of the CD and the making of the TV show. And with the storms we got hit with in DC, I haven't had anyone come over to record, and we cancelled our February tv show. But I still could have written about the new script I was writing for the CD, or the new songs I'm working on, or any number of things related to music and the CD, but I didn't. I could label it "laziness", or "indecisiveness", or any number of other terms but the bottom line is, I wasn't as dedicated to writing on the blog as I could have been. And that isn't acceptable, so I am committing myself to writing at least one post a week. Enough things happen, and enough thoughts run through my mind to make a post a week.

The Fox and The Rabbit

Now, the whole thing with blogging is somewhat of a metaphor of my life right now...I'm doing things, but not to the level that I should be. Which brings me to the title of the blog. Today I received an email from Mark Joyner (check out and the email went like this....

A zen master and his student were watching a
fox chase a rabbit.

The Zen Master said, "who will win?"

The student replied, "Master, of course the fox
will win, he is much faster than the rabbit and has
sharp teeth."

"No" replied the master. "The rabbit will win. The
fox is running for a meal. The rabbit is running
for his life."

Lamont, are you running for a meal, or
are you running for your life?

If you start running for your life, you will
overcome every obstacle.

Now Mark is a master at marketing, and he is driving folks to his products (which are very good by the way), but he definitely hit home with that story. All this time I have been running for a meal when I should have been running for my life.

Running Gear

If I'm gonna run, then I will need appropriate gear. Everyone needs to find the gear that is comfortable for them. I might want to wear Nike, and you might thing Asic is best, while someone else decides to use Adidas. That's fine with me, it won't stop us from running. With that said some of the tools that I am using to help my chart my course are as follows. (Again, I know there are MANY good books, courses, seminars, CDs, DVDs, etc to help one along the way, these are just the ones that I will be using in the immediate present...yeah, I said "immediate present")

Your Faith Is Your Fortune - Neville. This book presents a different perspective on our relationship with God. It may be offensive to some, and it will be enlightening to others.

Master Key System - Charles Haanel. This was originally a 24 week correspondence course, but has been put together in one book as a 24 Part guide for achievement and success.

Designing Your Best Year Ever - Darren Hardy. The editor of Success Magazine has a workbook to help you plan your year. Find it at and you may want to subscribe to Success Magazine while you are at it.

Designing The Best 10 Years of Your Life - Darren Hardy. Darren launched an 8 week "course" on his blog for those who want to plan their next 10 years. By the time you read this, the 8-week's will probably be over, but he may have the stuff archived, so visit his blog at (If not holla at me, and I will do what I can to get you the worksheets)

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker - Practical advice on redefining your relationship with money.

Influence - Robert Cialdini - This book offers great insight into the psychology of persuasion and influencing people's decisions.

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success - Deepak Chopra - This book deals primarily with coming into harmony with yourself and ultimately everything in your life.

And there you have it. These are the tools I am studying and implementing. I am always looking to learn and grow, so if you have any other great books, CDs, courses, etc share them!

The Caterpillar and The Butterfly

A caterpillar inches it way along in life until at some point it recognizes that it is time to be more than a caterpillar. So the caterpillar goes about nourishing itself by eating a tremendous amount of food. After it eats, it then finds it's way up a tree and by disciplined effort it spins a cocoon for itself. During about a two week period the caterpillar undergoes a metamorphasis. We all know that what emerges is a butterfly, but did you know that when it is time to break out of the cocoon, the butterfly must do it by itself or else it's wings will not get the proper exercise to be strong enough to take flight.

So what's the message here? Personally, I need to first start running for my life. Once that is done appropriately, I will take flight. I hope we can fly together.

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